Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Utah Trip

Alright if you follow my blog you know I dont update it a lot. I am still getting the hang of it and really dont know what to put on here. So my friend Heather has to be a pest and get on me to update it. So a week ago I went on a trip to Utah. I drove up with my parents and meet up with my sister Kiley to attend a family reunion with my Dads side which we see every once in a great while. We stayed with my dads adopted aunt and uncle who are so classic. We stayed up late every night playing games with them and laughing so hard. I hope when I get old I am still going strong like them.

Saturday and Sunday were spent a family reunion. It was interesting weather but it was great to see everyone. They have all changed so much as well as the fact that the cousins have kids now. It was great to see them and hope its not ten years before we see them again.

Then Monday and Tuesday I spent my time at a Roommate Reunion with the awesome people from Royal Crest 107. Monday we all hung out at Mels place in SLC eating pizza, powdered donuts, and muddy buddies. We shared random memories we had of eachother and our time in the apartment as well as looking at scrapbooks and reading over Holy Potatoes. We got to hang out with Tyler that day as well which was so awesome. We also had an SACP and toasted to many great things. Then we spent Tuesday at Liberty Park in SLC. Again we just vegged except this time we got to see Brandon and meet Chelseas little girl Callie. Chelsea also brought two of her good friends Whitney and Meredith who also had adorable kids. I loved the time with my old friends just talking as welll as playing with the kids.

The rest of the time I got to visit other friends but I am not good at taking pictures recently so I totally forget. But I got to visit with my friends from student teaching, my roomie Carli, and my good friend Jacob. It was great to see all of them and catch up on each others lives. We also had the chance to go to the oquirruh mountain temple and shop.Then we headed home and on our way we stoped in St George and went to dinner with my cousin Eldon and his adorable family. It was great to catch up on each others live but I fell in love with their little boys. They are all boy and just classically funny. We go home just in time for our friend Hannahs reception.

Other than that I have spent my time helping my mom organize the house, work out, hanging out with friends, looking for joband what not. I hope to go visit my friend Bethany and her family this weekend as it is a needed vacation. I will work to write about it and have pictures with it:)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Look forward and back....

So this end of the year stuff is starting to hit me. As I was able to see my last years students and then watching this years go I have to just think we got through it. These last few weeks with my students as well as some parents has been really hard. Then also the up and down changes happening with my job I thought I was going to fall apart. But with the help of the amazing staff I had people to help me through it as they complimented me, held my hand or hugged me when I cried, and helped with the battles. So right now it hits me that tomorrow is my last day with them and the tears are flowing. Im the baby at my school and they have truly been a family to me and taught me so much. This was my first teaching job and I dont think I will ever forget these two years and especially this staff. As much as I know change is good and happens for a reason it saddens me that if Sacramento does go through I will be at another school. I am working to be optimistic about all parts of my life and it is part of what gets me through the day. But it always goes back to the people in your lives and once again I can say, I have been blessed.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So my friend Heather wanted me to updated my blog more often so I am going to work on this but for right now I will give you my update. School is over this week which makes me so excited. I so need a break right to sleep in, get caught up on reading, traveling, and having a blast. Well for those of you who dont know I am looking for a job in Sacramento..well that hasnt been any news in that area but I am trying to keep positive. But with that I am keeping my ground covered here with a job. But this week was informed that I will not have a job at my school and will be moving to Mineral King 6th grade. But we will see what happens over the next few months. Other than that I am getting ready for my trip to Utah in 2 weeks with my parents for a family and roommate reunion. Oh yea Bethany and Carsten are coming to town for a few days which makes me so happy.Then we will see what the summer holds...I do know though that I need change although I am thankful for my family and close friends who help me along..so we will see what the next entry holds:)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I am actually alive

Alright I am going to actually do this.....as some of you may of seen I got a blog just to keep up on my friends lives but for some reason didnt think mine was as important. I thought blogging was for my friends who are married and have kids. But you know what I am over that so I am going to work on weekly updating my blog. Some things you might hear about are teaching, YSA, moving, interest(books and shows), or anything you ask for. So I am still in my home town of Tulare but working to do everything I can to get out. I feel that the Lord had a number of reasons for me to be here for me as well as others. But I am now at the point in my life where I need change. Right now I am looking for teaching jobs in Sacramento as that is the area I am leaning towards the most. I am not dead set on it but I feel good about it so I am going about planning and seeing the Lord tells me. You might be getting the idea that I am a little unsure about this decision...um YEA. I wish I knew for certain where I was suppose to be. I have done what I think I should and just hoping I can find out soon for certain what I should do. I do have a job here next year but I am just to the point that I dont know if I could be here any longer. Other than trying to find a job I keep busy with my sixth grade class. This year my students keep me on my toes and I must say when Friday came and they were leaving for Spring Break I was kicking them out the door. I love them it is just a lot more stressful this year and also its harder to see the results of what I am doing. But thats teaching you deal with the ups and downs. Other than that my calling keeps me busy and I have really been working at trying to work out more. But I also enjoy spending my time watching Mcdreamy...My mom are now huge fans of Greys Anatomy.Well I think that must be enough so I guess we will see what the next entry is about.

PS I want to go on a big trip this summer. Any suggestions?

Friday, October 17, 2008

What to do?

So I am just starting this to be connected with some of my married friends but guess I should began to keep everyone updated. So comment me and give me some ideas of what you want to know or what to write about.